How To: Do beginner skateboarding tricks

Do beginner skateboarding tricks

For anyone just picking up the skateboard, this video tutorial shows the basics of how to do skateboarding tricks. The first trick is the popshuvit. This requires your feet to be lined up toward the back of the board allowing the foot closest to the end to scoop the board down to pop the front up and then reversing the board from the front to the back. The second trick is the 1-80 - the backside and a front side. This trick is similar to a popshuvit, but your feet remain on the board for the entire trick. Other tricks shown in this video include the big spin (when your board is doing a 360 shovit but your body is doing a 180 pivot), the variel kick flip (a popshuvit with a kick flip), the backside flip (a variel kick flip with a body variel), and the 360 shuvit (a shuvit rotated 360 which requires a higher jump for a longer period of time). Each trick shown in this video builds off of one another. If you're just learning how to skateboard, this video tutorial will show you all the basic tricks to get you started.

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