Learn how to learn the basics of skateboarding. Initially an offshoot of California's surf scene, this extreme sport has taken America by storm. Before you can execute sweet tricks, you need to start with the basics.
You Will Need
* Pads, a helmet, and proper shoes
* A skateboard
* A flat surface
WARNING: Always wear protective clothing, including a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, kneepads, and appropriate footwear. Skateboarding is not recommended for children under the age of 6, and children between the ages of 6 and 10 should only be allowed to ride with adult supervision.
Step 1. Stand on your board
Get comfortable standing on your skateboard. Try standing on it in the grass. Move your feet in different positions on the board; balance on the front wheels and the back wheels. Do you prefer standing directly on the trucks – the skateboard's axle – or in between?
Step 2. Choose your stance
Choose the regular or the goofy stance. If you skate with the left foot in front and push off and kick with the right, you're using the regular stance.
Step 3. Push off and kick
Take your board to a flat expanse of concrete, like a parking lot. Position your feet comfortably on the board. Then use your back foot to push off and propel the board forward.
Step 4. Learn to stop
There are several ways to stop your roll. The easiest is footbreaking. Take your back foot and drag it on the ground. Another technique is the heel drag. Place the heel of your back foot close to the back edge of the board.
Step 5. Turn or carve
To turn or carve, put weight on your heels while rolling and you'll turn in that direction. The harder you press your heels, the sharper the turn.
Step 6. Learn to kickturn
After you've practiced, try a skating essential, the kickturn.
FACT: The Ollie, a trick in which a skater jumps into the air and lifts the board without using their hands, was invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1978.
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