Hot Skateboarding Posts

How To: Drop into a half pipe on a skateboard

In this video Nate Principato will show you how to drop into a half pipe of your skateboard. Halfpipes can be tricky so watch closely! Nate also explains common mistakes to avoid making so that you can optimize you halfpipe experience. Drop into a half pipe on a skateboard.

How To: Do tricks on a Razor scooter

Imagine Jack Black riding into town at the head of a gang of leather-jacketed rebels on his A4 razor with a wheelie bar and an extended deck. “What are you razoring against?” demands the town sheriff. “What have you got?” says Jack in the Brando role, turning his back to the law, peeling out and sending a dirt clod and a pebble at the sheriff's shoe in a gesture of fierce defiance.

How To: Build your own balance board

This video will show you how to build your own balance board, including all the dimensions. Balance boards have been known in the circus for a long time as rola-bolas, but they are now appearing on the market as indoboards or voodoo boards. They are used as balance training aids for various board sports, mainly surfing, skating and snowboarding. I will show you how to make your own at a fraction of the cost. They are also great fun to play with and, with a bit of practice, tricks such as walk...

How To: Do skateboarding tricks for beginners

In this series of skateboarding videos for beginners, Steve shows you tricks for skateboarding in streets and parks. He demonstrates how to do a 180 and a nose manual and even shares some of his thoughts on skateboarding video games. Watch these videos and some of his cool might just rub off on you.

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